From a ceiling system with the grid either concealed or exposed, directlyfixed to the structure above or suspended, through to trafficable ceilings, Rondo has everything you might need When you can't stand seeing unsightly services or when you need to reduce sound transmitted through the floor, the expertly engineered ceiling designs from Rondo will perform wellSystem overview 04 Construction details 05 08 General information 09 Installation steps 10 Processing of gypsum boards 11 Joint treatment 12 Cladding of boards 13 14 &HUWL¿FDWLRQV 15 1) Manual Ceiling (BS EN) Feb2617indd 2 3/9/17 1040 AM Manual Ceiling (BS EN)UBindd 2 3/30/17 1137 AM Rondo Suspended Ceiling masuzi Uncategorized Leave a comment 5 Views Typical ceiling configuration based on rondo 09 scientific diagram typical ceiling configuration based on rondo 09 scientific diagram ensemble acoustical plasterboard ceiling rondo key lock concealed suspended ceiling system you

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Rondo suspended ceiling system detail
Rondo suspended ceiling system detail-From a ceiling system with the grid either concealed or exposed, directlyfixed to the structure above or suspended, through to trafficable ceilings, Rondo has everything you might need When you can't stand seeing unsightly services or when you need to reduce sound transmitted through the floor, the expertly engineered ceiling designs from Rondo will perform wellSuspended ceilings designed in conformance with AS/NZS 2785 only cover nontrafficable ceiling systems If the plenum or roof space will be accessible for maintenance personnel on temporary or permanent walkways, make appropriate provision here and, if necessary, on the drawings

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Download & View Rondo Ceiling Systems as PDF for free More details Words 16,226;Rondo DUO Aluminium Grid;The Rondo Donn Exposed TwoWay Grid Ceiling System provides the framework for a variety of layin tiles including;
Duo Exposed Grid Ceiling System Rondo Pro Manual 17 Pages 1 Ceiling Diffuser Mounting Methods Rickardair Untitled free cad detail of suspended ceiling section cadblocksfree ceiling details room pictures all about home design furniture 5 60 00 peripheral connections ceilings monolithic to theAcoustic, perforated plasterboard, PVC laminated, and metalRondo takes youCEILINGS fiKEYLOCK 15 Suspended Ceiling System for External Applications 128 Top Cross Rail 128 Top Cross Rail 10 max 129 Furring Channel 1L Bracket 124N or 2534 with four metal screws 247 Bracket anchored to slab 122 or 121 247 0 mm maximum When installing the Rondo KEYLOCK® suspended ceiling system in external applicationsSuspension Joint Type 3 SPLICE DETAILS Studs should be spliced/joined over a supporting member Splicing of the studs should be over a minimum of 300mm for the 050 055 and 075bmt sections The 115bmt studs cannot be spliced in ceiling systems as the ceiling setout changes Ceiling Support Details Roof purlin by others
GIB® Rondo® Suspended Ceiling Accessories The range of GIB® Rondo® suspended ceiling componentry provides additional clearance above the ceiling level This could be to run electrical, plumbing or ventilation equipment The components can be assembled in a wide range of combinations to suit a variety of applicationsThis brochure is for seismic guidance of those systems • This guide only applies to Rondo suspended ceilings and partition wall systemsFor more information call the GIB® Helpline 0800 100 442 or visit wwwgibconz GIB ® RONDO ® METAL BATTEN SELECTOR GIB® RONDO® 310 308 SYSTEM 129 SYSTEM SUSPENDED CEILING ACCESSORIES 36m 48m 60m 310 Batten 36m 48m 149 60m 308 Batten 36m 48m

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System and detailed information is available in separate literature from Rondo The Rondo KEYLOCK® Building Board Ceiling Suspension System can be used in both fire rated and non–fire rated situations, and has been designed to meet both Australian and New Zealand standards All ceilings must be designed in accordance with the requireSuspended Ceilings Timber Floors PH 14S 3 2 6 5 4 1 7 4 6 5 1 2 3 Suspe nded 3Ceilings Installation Method 1 Exposed grid suspended ceiling Installation Method 2 Concealed grid suspended ceiling 1/2 hour and 1 hour fire rating, loadbearing capacity, integrity and insulation in accordance with the criteria of BS 476 Part 21Available for nonfirerated, firerated and acoustic applications Curved ceiling systems use precurved

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Rondo Suspended Ceiling Detail masuzi Uncategorized Leave a comment 10 Views Typical ceiling configuration based on typical ceiling configuration based on rondo key lock rondo seismic wall ceiling systems Typical Ceiling Configuration Based On Rondo 09 Scientific DiagramPlasterboard Ceiling Systems 400C Issue 1 Firerated Ceiling Systems 2 49 Direct Fix 49 SuspendedRondo Steel Studs can be used as a ceiling structure, where it's difficult to install a suspended ceiling system Typical applications include corridors, bathrooms or open roof areas In corridors, it's often used to hide services such as air conditioning ducts, fire sprinkler pipework and electrical and data cabling

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The Rondo DONN ® Exposed Grid Ceiling System provides the framework for a variety of layin tiles including;We offer a range of suspended celing systems to suit any construction project whether your main concern is acoustics or housing utilities overhead, Location (08) 9240 54 GET IN TOUCH The Rondo Aluminium Grid Ceiling System is an alternative to the Rondo DUO® Read more Rondo Ceiling System Cad masuzi Uncategorized Leave a comment 10 Views Donn exposed grid ceiling system rondo home rondo metal framing key lock usg b typical suspended ceiling detail free

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2 Suspension shown is indicative only Rondo does not recommend mixing of suspension systems within the ceiling grid Refer to design tables for grid suspension capacity 3 Typical details For Main and Cross Tee spans refer to tables23 SUSPENSION SYSTEM RONDO ceiling systems General As documented Seismic systems are available for RONDO KEYLOCK® concealed suspended ceiling system, RONDO DUO® exposed grid ceiling system and RONDO steel stud and track drywall framing system Contact RONDO's technical representative for help with design and further informationRondo Steel Studs can be used as a ceiling structure, where it's difficult to install a suspended ceiling system Typical applications include corridors, bathrooms or open roof areas In corridors, it's often used to hide services such as air conditioning ducts, fire sprinkler pipework and electrical and data cabling

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